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    Hello! Welcome to the official website of Wuxi DALU Steelpipe Co.,Ltd.!

    Square tube features and uses

    Author : Dalu    Source : 未知    Time : 2018-08-28 13:41    View :

      1, square tube product description

      Square tube is a hollow rectangular section of light thin-walled steel tube, also known as steel cold bending section. It is Q235 hot-rolled or cold-rolled strip or coil as the base material after cold bending forming and high-frequency welding made of square section shape and size of the steel. Except for the thickening of wall thickness, the angular dimension and edge straightness of hot-rolled ultra-thick square pipe can reach or even exceed the level of resistance welding cold-formed square pipe. Good comprehensive mechanical properties, weldability, cold, hot working performance and corrosion resistance, with good low temperature toughness.

      2. Square pipe usage

      Square pipes are used in construction, machinery manufacturing, steel construction and other projects, shipbuilding, solar power generation support, steel structure engineering, power engineering, power plants, agricultural and chemical machinery, glass curtain wall, car chassis, airport, boiler construction, highway railings, housing construction, pressure vessels, oil tanks, bridges, power stations. Preparation, lifting and transportation machinery and other high load welded structures.



    Tel : 0510-83208888

    Email : dl@mainlandtube.com

    Add : No. 555 Qianhu Road, Qianqiao Peitao Area, Huishan District, Wuxi City

    With advantageous geographical position, Wuxi Dalu Steelpipe Co., Ltd. lies close to Taihu Lake in the south,Shanghai-Nanjing Railway in the east, the exit of Xiyi Expressway in the west and Jinghang ...

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